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Leicester Trinity
Methodist  Circuit


The Leicester Trinity Circuit aims to inspire and enable its people to love and serve God, made known to us in Christ, throughout churches and communities.During these strange times of the Covid-19 pandemics many of our Churches are hold services with restricted numbers allowed to worship together.Our way of worshipping may be different for the time being to help contain the Coronavirus but our church are very much open in other ways!Please be assured of our prayers at this time. God is still God, God is still with us!


Local churches are attempting to stay in touch with members of their congregations in various ways, email, telephone, news & service sheets, if you would like someone to contact you, please make contact with the minister for you local church.

The Leicester Trinity Circuitcomprises city centre, inner city areas, outer suburbs, outlying towns, and villages to the north, south and east. Of our twenty churches, two are Local Ecumenical Partnerships: one is shared with Anglicans, the other with Baptists. Another of our churches is signed up to an Area LEP with both Anglican and URC churches. Another hosts a Moravian congregation.

We delight in the involvement of ministers of other denominations in the life of our Circuit and value ecumenical working and association.We also enjoy hosting other congregations for their weekly services in some of our Circuit's church buildings. Some of these are Pentecostal. Two are congregations ofdifferent connexions of Methodists from Zimbabwe.

We share much of our life and work in cooperation with the Leicester West Circuit. Together we amount to 'Leicester Methodists' and play our part in the work and witness of the one church of Jesus Christ. Come and join us in this! You'd be very welcome.

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Leicester Trinity Circuit